Blog | NeuFit


Written by cambria | Nov 23, 2021


At our Austin, Texas clinic, a patient session normally ends with “thank you”. Our team thanks our patients for their commitment to their recovery and for placing their trust in us and in our NeuFit® Method as part of their care. Our patients often thank us in return for the progress made in their recovery from an injury or surgery or, if they are an athlete in training, the progress made towards their performance goals. This exchange of appreciation and gratitude is replayed across the countless sessions that our NeuFit practitioners have with their own patients too.

But this week, there will be fewer “thank you’s” exchanged in our practices as we all take time out of our busy lives to be with our families and friends for Thanksgiving. This holiday reminds us to be grateful for what we have, especially in these challenging times, and so we want to take this opportunity on a little bigger scale to say “thank you” to everyone who makes what we do possible. 

First, thank you to our patients for your courage and commitment and your willingness to try a new approach.  We never forget that your healing journey is full of challenges. We thank you for the opportunity to help you move forward and often accelerate progress towards your goals. Every time we work with a patient, it is a privilege to play a part in your health care. The greatest reward from our work is seeing our patients achieve what they thought they could not – often doing so faster than they expected. As we work together to restore movement and ability as well as reduce or eliminate pain, you are reclaiming part of your life and restoring part of your freedom. 

Thank you to all the practitioners, the growing number of physical therapists, chiropractors, and other professionals, who after having an opportunity to understand the NeuFit Method, have been willing to integrate a new neuro-centric paradigm into your practice. Your work is extending the reach of neurologically based electric stimulation. Together we are a community, a tribe, a movement who is blazing a trail towards a better way to care for our patients.  We are excited and grateful to have your participation, feedback, insights, and commitment. Together we are making a difference for our patients!

And finally thank you to our amazing team. The NeuFit Method and our Neubie® electrical stimulation device itself are the result of the contributions of so many along our journey who have helped us to explore, develop, apply, and refine our neuro-electric stimulation methodology. Our team, especially our dear caregivers and support team at our practice and “NeuFit HQ” here in Austin, have helped us take a vision and not just make it a reality but also create a movement. One for which we all can feel a great deal of pride. The care you show for our patients and our customers has been incredible and is the “electricity” that accelerates us forward.

For those whom we have yet to have the pleasure to meet, providers and patients both, we encourage you to get to know NeuFit. Thank you for your interest in our work and for your consideration. We hope you will find in our methodology and patient outcomes a powerful new addition to your practice or an exciting and compelling new solution for your own care. 

So, on this Thanksgiving, really all that is left to say is a simple “thank you” and to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday. 

With appreciation,

Garrett & Briana Salpeter