Does Your Training Program Have Prerequisites?

Can you imagine beginning 4th grade without passing 1st? Or attending medical school without Chemistry 101? It seems...

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How to Reduce Elderly Fall Risk

As we learn more about neuroscience and the plasticity of the human brain, it becomes clear how our brains are...

The Down Side of Breathing

Sound harsh? Well, it’s true. Breathing wrong can literally kill you. Of course you won’t die of the incorrect...

More about the NEUBIE

The Neubie (“Neuro-bio-electric Stimulator”) is our FDA-cleared electrical stimulation device, with two main...

What's more effective - active or passive treatments?

COVID-19 NeuFit Plan

Hello Austin NeuFitters,

Is It Mobility or Flexibility?

Is there a difference between flexibility and mobility? We think so. One of the eight FDA-approved uses of the NeuFit...

When will the guesswork end?

Your knee hurts, and you are wondering why. Is it how you’re sitting, your mattress, your walking gait, your shoes? Is...

The NeuFit Method: 3 Steps to Optimal Recovery

At NeuFit, we believe the key to truly healing your pain and injury is addressing your nervous system. Unfortunately,...

Could Surgery Be a Placebo?

We have all heard of the placebo effect occuring with pills and other medicines, and according to a 2002 study...

Can Stress Affect Movement?

The answer is a resounding, Yes! Efficient movement is a rhythmic dance between opposing muscles. As one muscle...

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